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:: Friday, June 08, 2007
Ah, what would we ever do without all those enterprising young hackers out there? The latest goodness unleashed upon the world is MySpaceMP3.org, a site whose simple purpose is to let you put in a My Space artist and download all the songs listed on their page as MP3 files. The bit rate and sample rate of the downloads is hardly stellar, at 96k and 22,500Hz (same quality is listening on the artist's page), but if you really want a song and if you can ignore the site's popunder ads, this might just be for you.
Sony Tokyo's R&D group recently showed Music synchronized artistic expressions for Ferrofluid. The artwork, by Yasushi Miyajima and Sachiko Kodama, consisted of a dome filled with ferromagnetic nano particles suspended in a treacly black oil. Using a combination of voltage-regulated electromagnets and metadata added to music beforehand, the nanites appeared to react to the music, assemble themselves in line and form a stunning tree-like display on a central metal pillar.