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:: Friday, March 02, 2007

First there was the iPhone, then the Prada Phone. Now Softbank Japan introduces the Pantone Phone. It's a mobile being offered in 20 of your favorite PMS colors. Personally, I'm waiting for someone to release the hexidecimal phone in #6e6b6b.

:: Thursday, March 01, 2007

I have absolutely no use at the moment for a high-end digital multitrack recorder, but if I did, I'd certainly check out the Cantar-X. Aside from it's rugged, blade-runneresque good looks, it appears to be loaded with impressive features like twin batteries and a remote control software so the Cantar-X can be operated from your PDA. The company calls it 'the Stradivarius of new generation, and at first blush I'd have to agree. [via Core77]

:: Monday, February 26, 2007

Frustrated with the relentless barrage of advertisements in subways, bus stops and other public spaces? Now you can express your frustration with Printable Cold Sores. Excellent!


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