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:: Wednesday, October 18, 2006

The Russian music download site AllOfMP3.com broke tradition today to defend itself against allegations that its music downloading operation is illegal. While it's a fascinating study in international copyright law, what we found even more interesting is they plan to make all the music in their catalog downloadable for free with their new advertising supported model. I got a real chuckle over the name of their new client software that will be available soon for both Windows and Mac, it's called "Music for the Masses". I always suspected there were some Mode fans over at AllOfMP3.com, based on the comprehensive selection of Depeche Mode albums, compilations, singles and bootlegs. Now I'm certain.

:: Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Check out this brilliant new Sony ad for Bravia UK, they let 18,000 gallons of paint let loose in Glasgow. Make sure to watch the behind the scenes video, it wasn't CGI.


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