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:: Wednesday, July 26, 2006
I.D. magazine presents the results of the 2006 Annual Design Review.
posted 11:40 AM »BitBoy
Low prices meet high design, or blatant Wal-Mart ripoff? I've always had a love affair with Sebastian Wong's Spun floor lamp produced by Flos and sold thru Design Within Reach, but at $1400 it's never moved past being a schoolboy crush. Now it appears that Wal-Mart has blatantly ripped off Mr. Wong and put out their own version of the Spun floor lamp for (drumroll, please)...$70 bucks. I've never considered buying anything from Wal-Mart before, and I certainly disagree with ripping off other designs, but at a paltry $70 I am beginning to understand how people can be seduced by the values offered at by the world's largest, and arguably most evil retailer.
posted 11:22 AM »BitBoy
LA Robots, mark your calendar for August 16th when Droid Behavior presents a performance by legendary Electro pioneer Alexander Robotnick. More details to come soon.
posted 10:49 AM »BitBoy