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:: Thursday, April 07, 2005
This is your brain.
This is your brain on Sony.
posted 2:34 PM »BitBoy
:: Wednesday, April 06, 2005
If you missed out on the Fischerspooner record release party at Cinespace, you missed out on free Absolut vodka, and euphoric electro escapism. Both Casey and Warren were in LA to celebrate the release of Odyssey, and the crowd was enthusiastically down for the cause (read: free liquor) grooving to massive electronic beats being dropped by an array of guest DJs.
posted 2:39 AM »BitBoy
:: Tuesday, April 05, 2005
Julia, we don't know you, but we like your style.
posted 2:10 PM »BitBoy
:: Monday, April 04, 2005
LAVoice has a good writeup on Saturday night's SRL performance, and there's a nice, big, clear QuickTime movie of the event here.
posted 1:46 PM »BitBoy
:: Sunday, April 03, 2005
Last night Los Angeles was host to a beautiful symphony of destruction courtesy of Mark Pauline's Survival Research Laboratories (SRL). SRL was started nearly 30 years ago, and consists of artists and creative technicians dedicated to re-directing the techniques, tools, and tenets of industry, science, and the military away from their typical manifestations in practicality, product or warfare. The show was pure carnage - all robots and fire billowing from the downtown arts district near the 4th street bridge, just south of SciArc. The sleeping giants began to thrash about, spew fire, shoot cannons and systematically destroy one another until there was nothing left but smoldering piles of ashes, twisted metal and mutilated faux goats. It was beyond amazing (and unbelievable they did it in the middle of a public street). I managed to snap lots of pictures from my vantage point, but you really get a good sense of the experience from the movies on the SRL web site. Thank you organizer Susan Joyce, Dangerous Curve, Mark Pauline and SRL!
posted 11:29 AM »BitBoy