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:: Friday, November 19, 2004

John Kerry is back and he's not backing down. Good for him! This may not be over yet!

:: Thursday, November 18, 2004

Super cool Mac enthusiast from Japan turns his G4 cube into a G5 style mini-tower.

T-minus three days. San Francisco, are you ready?

Another one of those great McFashion ads. I just can't get enough!

With political events of late, it's been tough to get optimistic about the future again. Thankfully an interesting new Magazine came to me which might help.

According to their marketing materials, PLENTY is a magazine for savvy, environmentally conscious consumers who are aware that we live in a world of finite resources, that the planet is a fragile system in delicate balance between the natural and the manmade, and that there are limits to how much we can extract from our surroundings without doing irreparable harm. We believe that the technologies are in place to make a transition from a world of potential scarcity to a world of plenty. Our editorial focus lies at the intersection of concern for the environment with quality of life: food, home, design, architecture, cars, clothing, travel, outdoor recreation, leisure, accentuating the transition to and practice of a more organic, eco-friendly, sustainable lifestyle. 

Looks like it will be a good read that will fuel my eco-geek desires.

:: Wednesday, November 17, 2004

I've been so busy this week, I almost forgot to comment on Sunday's spectacular The Faint show at LA's Mayan theater. TV on the Radio opened up, and performed a great sounding set.

By the time The Faint went on the crowd was pumped and ready, and within seconds the whole bottom floor became a hot, sweaty mass of bodies moshing in unison to their electro-rock anthems.

Not very robotic, I know, but it was tons of fun and a great performance.

Of course, there's always one in every crowd.

:: Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Get your post-riot grrrl groove on with Le Tigre (plus Lesbians on Extacy and Robosapien) playing two shows, one tonight and one tomorrow night. Both are at the El Rey.

:: Monday, November 15, 2004

Doc's Kraftwerk Animal Adventure [via Burnlab].

If you haven't figured it out yet, I like robots and electronic music. A lot. Put a robot dancing to electronic music, and well, my head is likely to explode. That's practically what happened when checking out this new Citroen ad. The only thing better than the dancing robot would have been if it were actually doing "the robot". Here's more about the ad. [via Gizmodo]


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