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:: Friday, July 30, 2004
Not to brag or anything, but I got an award in this (page 75). For this. Yay!
posted 2:09 PM »BitBoy
O'reilly's new Make Magazine looks like Readymade for gadget freaks and geeks. I can't wait!
posted 11:00 AM »BitBoy
:: Thursday, July 29, 2004
"The people who are into us are smart."
posted 4:48 PM »BitBoy
A whole lotta EmPeeThrees.
posted 4:29 PM »BitBoy
Ah, Farnsworth house, how I love thee.
posted 2:15 PM »BitBoy
Not exactly new, but extremely cool. Also not new, 30 seconds of Fischerspooner's latest song "Just Let Go" from the show Nip/Tuck.
posted 12:31 PM »BitBoy
Ruth La Ferla of the NY Times encourages you to take a look around — you’ll soon see it’s not just fellow iRobotnikers that are obsessed with robots, it’s all of society, from the robomates of The Stepford Wives to the latest embellishments by Muccia Prada.
Once again, robots - we're way ahead of the curve.
posted 11:41 AM »BitBoy
:: Monday, July 26, 2004
George Lucas has announced that the next Star Wars film will be called Revenge of the Sith.
posted 11:33 PM »BitBoy
:: Sunday, July 25, 2004
Issue 6 of Spain's Fake is dedicated to all you wonderful fashion whores.
posted 1:10 AM »BitBoy