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:: Saturday, February 28, 2004

This story broke in the UK on 2/22. Why hasn't the American media picked it up?

The Pentagon tells Bush, "Climate change over the next 20 years could result in a global catastrophe costing millions of lives in wars and natural disasters." Welcome to America's new terror threat ...

Read the story at the Guardian UK.
via ProteinOS

:: Thursday, February 26, 2004

Looking for some fun tonight? Stop by "The Finger" at the Arrow Bar (6th & Market) for a for a very special DJ set by the one and only Gold Chains!

:: Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Cover art by Burnlab's Mike Doyle

Join me, and other like-minded robots as we welcome Matthew Dear to San Francisco for his March 2nd performance at Club Six. Matthew will be performing live alongside fellw Ghostly International artist, Lustine. Show starts at 9pm and tickets are $10.

One of the hottest toys shown at the recent New York Toy Fair was RoboSapien, which was designed by a NASA scientist. RoboSapien can walk, run and dance, plus its gripper arms can pick-up items and bring them to you! Scheduled to launch this summer for a mere $100, we say "line up robots!" Like the Wow Wee site says, "Anything else is just a toy!"

And speaking of toys, this fall, WB’s Batman: The Animated Series will transmit a Video Encoded Visible Light technology (VEIL) data beam, which can turn on a new line of Batwave children’s toys.

:: Monday, February 23, 2004

Jesus. This is a beautiful camera.

:: Monday, February 16, 2004

Twins are always more fun

A little distraction for your Monday AM, check out the Glimmer Twins web site. The Glimmer Twins have proven to be a cornerstone of the Belgian party scene, as well as having released a superb dark electro collection called "Serie Noir", with a second volume on the way. Check out one of the numerous mixes on their site like this one to get your day moving.

:: Sunday, February 15, 2004

Seattle's electro-spunk band, The Fitness is finally headed to San Francisco, playing April 2nd at Cafe Du Nord with Fannypack and Stay at Home Bomb.

:: Tuesday, February 10, 2004

Before Lucas went to the dark side

The most requested films for the DVD format will finally become a reality this September as Lucasfilm Ltd. and Twentieth Century Fox present the eagerly-awaited Star Wars Trilogy on DVD. The four-disc collection will be released on September 21 in the U.S. and Canada, with international release dates following closely.

If it's not enough for you that Urban Outfitters will charge you $40 for a sweatshop-made pseudo-vintage t-shirt that will be clearly recognizable as coming from Urban Outfitters, then consider this idiotic shirt they are now selling.

Then consider what Burnlab's astute Karl Zeiss posted about it:

Could it be that Urban Outfitters CEO (and Republican campaign donor) Richard Hayne wants to not-so-subtly dissuade his liberal-leaning clientelle from voting? Hmmm... The Philly Weekly ran this article last summer exposing the gap between the owner and the image. Maybe it's time for (another) boycott.

I agree totally. Boycott Urban Outfitters! And if you want to buy a t-shirt, consider instead those sold by American Apparel, a much nicer cut than the dreck sold at UO, and completely sweatshop-free!

:: Wednesday, February 04, 2004

Thanks to our friends at Tokyo Electric, San Francisco once again has a regularly scheduled electro night worth caring about. It happens the first Friday of every month at the Up and Down Club. Check it out this Friday night where Julian Destrukt and Teflon Jacket will be trading off tearing up the tables with Exact Science and Context. Lisa Fox will be keeping it real downstairs - more info here.

Friends and Robots,

Usually I don't like to mix politics with pleasure, but I encourage you to take a moment to review this important message from MoveOn.org, and if you agree please sign up to support their call to congress.

In an attempt to escape responsibility for the misleading statements that led the nation to war, President Bush has announced plans to form an independent inquiry to look into what went wrong. An inquiry would serve the Bush administration well: it would envelop the issue in a fog of uncertainty, deflect blame onto the intelligence services, and push any political damage into 2005, after the upcoming election.

But the facts need no clarification. Despite repeated warnings from the CIA and Defense Intelligence Agency, President Bush and his administration hyped and distorted the threat that Iraq posed. And now that reality is setting in, the President seeks to pin the blame on someone else. We can't let him.

Congress has the power to censure the President -- to formally reprimand him for his betrayal of the nation's trust. If ever there was a time to use this function, it is now. Join the call for Congress to censure President Bush now at:




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