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:: Friday, October 10, 2003
Oh, and for you poor, poor dears who are having trouble finding the Fitness' album, Call Me for Together, never fear, you can find it here.
posted 1:12 AM »BitBoy
If you happen to find yourself in the fine capital city of Sacramento, word in the burg is that the deckest of deck choices for electro-entertainment is none other than club Vicious, which happens the first Saturday of the month (thanks to Shaun for the tip). Across the pond, if you happen to be lucky enough to be in Barcelona, consider yourself even more lucky if you can make it by Club Access All Areas to partake in wicked beats being thrown down by the femme-fatales also known as Robots in Disguise.
Closer to home, Friday night Club Dirrty at the new Paradise Lounge will be playing host to a live performance by The Lovemakers and The Vue. Saturday marks the beginning of SF Open Studios where you can wander the myriad galleries, studios, and and garages of local artists wanting to showcase their work for the public, and consume more free cheap wine and cubed cheese than you can shake a cocktail toothpick at. More info can be found here. Finally, I don’t know too much about this event on Sunday, but with a name like 'Realistic 1983' can it really be bad? Head over to Milk in the Haight and find out for yourself. You’ll enjoy the sounds of DJs Peanut Butter Wolf and Sweet Steve as they pay respect to 20 years of DJ culture with a night of vintage beats.
posted 12:51 AM »BitBoy
:: Thursday, October 09, 2003
Fun animations at the much-hyped new Napster site.
posted 1:59 PM »BitBoy
:: Wednesday, October 08, 2003
Holy wayback machine! Don't adjust your sets, if you saw a weird version of iRobtnik today it's because somehow Blogger f*cked up and published an ancient version of my design template. I managed to manually wrangle it back to normal, but I still don't know how it happened.
posted 11:37 PM »BitBoy
In spite of the unbelievable reality that Conan the Barbarian is now Calih-fornyuh’s new Governor-elect, my day turned out great thanks to Sam Valenti and the fine folks over at Ghostly International. They sent me a cool schwag pack full of CDs and stickers, including the latest not-yet-released album from 24 year old electro-funk prodigy Matthew Dear called “Leave Luck to Heaven” (bonus props to anyone who can tell me what the title is in reference to). Anyhow, if you see any of these characters around town:
You can bet that BitBoy was responsible for it!
Also, as previously mentioned, expect big things from Seattle’s “The Fitness”. I’m trying to pull some strings to get a San Francisco show booked. Stay tuned for details.
posted 11:25 PM »BitBoy
posted 10:59 AM »BitBoy
:: Monday, October 06, 2003
The most ghetto fabulous WiFi HiFi yet: an old school boom box called the Bass-Station that's been refitted with 802.11b, a 120GB hard drive, and an MP3 decoder, and that is controlled using a web browser. Besides being able to play MP3s, it can also stream audio to other devices in its local area network, double as a file-server for file-sharing. Sure to come in handy for our next breakdancing battle. Thanks to Damon and Gizmodo for the fressshhh link.
posted 8:20 PM »BitBoy