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:: Saturday, April 12, 2003

Last night Friend and clothing designer Allison of Red Threds showed her latest line at Tactility, a tribute to San Francisco's leading local designers and fashion scene.

Her new lineup expanded on her signature dramatic detailing, asymmetrical hemlines, raw edges and layering with a fresh spring palette and innovative use of materials like clear vinyl layered over dressmaker's patterns. Makeup assistance was provided by Awny & Co., and the models looked fantastic. If you missed out, just click here for a slideshow of highlights (5.5MB, QuickTime required).

:: Thursday, April 10, 2003

For your weekend listening pleasure, honorary robot and all around kewl dude from Portland, Mr. Ballistic has put his own spin on electro-love in the form of a 1 hr+ MP3 mix for the iRobotnik faithful. Featuring everything from electro-house to favorites including Kraftwerk, Mr. Zipper Fastener and more. Download all 73MB of it here.

I've uploaded the photographic evidence from last Friday's Electroclash II fest. Although not quite the spectacle of EC1, a fun time was had by all. The after party at Fake saw the usual set of friendly faces, and some new friends were made. Melissa from W.I.T. was a real sweetheart, and new DJ Charles was tearing up the tables with his own brand of electronic pulsations. Check out photos from the evening's debauchery here.

:: Sunday, April 06, 2003

Buy my ex-car! If you're in the market for an amazing Saab, you can buy my ex-car. I'm not selling it, but the guy who I sold it two almost four years ago is on eBay. Check it out using this link.


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