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:: Friday, November 15, 2002

Oh no Pee-wee. I hope your defense isn't, "I know you are but what am I?".

SF Robots: Don't miss the opportunity to see the ultra-cool Brezel Göring and Françoise Cactus, collectively known as Stereo Total tomorrow night at Slim's. Guaranteed to be lots of fun.

Thinkblank is sponsoring their Secret Santa gift giving program again this holiday season. All you need to participate is an Amazon wishlist. You tell Santa a little about yourself and then on December the 10th you find out who you're buying a present for. Check it out here.

:: Wednesday, November 13, 2002

Sometimes a web site outshines the product it represents. Such is the case with Quicksilver Watches. Beautiful site. Ugly watches (besides model "S TRECK LED", which I sort of appreciate for it's retro appeal).

Speaking of web design, Macromedia's newly announced Contribute software looks pretty revolutionary. A simple, elegant way for designers to enable end users to manage their content. Rack up another hit for Macromedia.

And speaking of revolutionary things, check out Sharp's latest sheet computers. Microprocessor circuitry applied directly to a glass that will enable the production of futuristic ultra-thin 'sheet computers,' and 'sheet televisions. Cool.

:: Monday, November 11, 2002

If you weren't at Club Fake's Mount Sims performance on Friday, you missed out on big fun. Great tunes complimented by sexy choreography, x-rated corn dog consumption and even a speaker-headed dancer.

Don't fret though, if you did miss the show you can at least check out this multimedia slideshow complete with soundtrack (QuickTime required, 8MB).


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