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:: Saturday, February 16, 2002

Michael over at Burnlab has penned nice essay on Fischerspooner and the sorry state of pop music in general. As a bonus, you'll enjoy the electropop perfection otherwise known as Emerge as you read. Crank the volume. Consume. Enjoy.

Two potentially worthy books on the horizon: 800*600, a the crew of the Hungarian web mag Inertia attempt to capture the best of the ever changing web in 208 pages, and The Art of Looking Sideways by Phaidon Press, a collection of curious facts and useless information for the design obsessed.

:: Friday, February 15, 2002

Quality industrial design has finally penetrated (excuse the pun) sex toy industry.

:: Thursday, February 14, 2002

Congratulations to Rob and Kathleen.

Tugboat vs. Draw Bridge - Stranger than fiction.

:: Tuesday, February 12, 2002

Robot Query: wisdom/knowledge/advice I am currently seeking:

1) Sandals: I’m desperately seeking a pair of Clone Pool sandals for my upcoming trip to the Caribbean. They’re sublimely designed and molded out of a featherweight single piece of plastic, and come in S, M, L and XL. Stores in San Francisco seem to either be out of stock, or clueless as to when they will get more, and numerous requests to Clone’s customer service department have been useless. If anyone has seen these in his or her area, let me know where.

2) I’ve been appointed the dubious distinction of penning the play list for To-Do-List’s magazine launch party. I’ve got the usual electro-suspects all lined up, but what I need suggestions on are songs that exemplify ‘self-loathing’ (the topic of TDL’s latest issue is – you guessed it, self loathing). Of course, numerous Smiths songs come to mind, but what other self loathing singles do you know?

Burnlab is a fantastic site chock full of music, fashion, photography, art, culture and all things worthy. I highly recommend checking it out.

:: Monday, February 11, 2002

I realize I'm probably last to this party, but if you haven't already, you must endulge in the pure fun otherwise known as dictionaraoke.

Astronomers at The Johns Hopkins University have produced a unique new insight into the nature of existence: They've determined the color of the universe.

Want to give your G4 a more personalized look? Try appleskinz.


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