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:: Wednesday, September 26, 2001

I'm thrilled that the new Sony DSC-F707 is equipped with nightshot. It produces completely freakish results when abused. Should be fun.

:: Tuesday, September 25, 2001

Over the past few months, you probably noticed that the frequency of updates has been, er, well, less than regular. It's partially because I've been incredibly busy, and maybe a little bit due to the fact I've been more introspective, even a bit of a recluse lately -- but mostly it's because I've been sick to death of the old irobotnik look. So with that in mind, I'm pleased to present irobotnik 2.0. A brand-spankin' new layout just in time for fall. Additionally, of special interest to those wearing pocket protectors, I've finally seperated my layout from content by using SSI (I had planned to get my feet wet with PHP, but I just haven't had the time - where does it all go?). I'm also 100% CSS enabled (death to the font tag!). The new site is divided up into sections, although the only part up and running at the moment is the homepage. I'll work out the odd bits and pieces over this coming weekend and get it fully functional in time for my trip to New York (I'm already cringing at the prospect). Anyhow, enjoy the new site and we'll see if it helps to rekindle my enthusiasm for timely and frequent posts.


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