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:: Thursday, December 11, 2003


Election results

Gavin Newsom 118,651 52.57%
Matt Gonzalez 107,030 47.43%

You're a Post-Punk. You know 70s punk was cool, but it was mostly just a stepping stone for the greater intellectualism of what would come after. The 80s were amazing. You quite possibly have huge hair, and may wear lots of black. Snare drums need reverb. Lots and lots of reverb.

You Know Yer Indie. Let's Sub-Categorize.
brought to you by Quizilla (Thanks to Mr. Goodman)

How Indie are you?

:: Monday, December 08, 2003

Just launched! Bush in 30 Seconds, a political TV ad contest to help find the most creative, clear and memorable ideas for ads that tell the truth about George Bush's policies. You don't have to be trained in the art of filmaking to participate, you just need to be ready, willing, and able to turn your clever ideas into a real 30 second ad.

And speaking of politics, if you're in San Francisco, don't forget to get out there and vote tomorrow, Tuesday, December 9th! Go Matt!


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