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:: Saturday, April 05, 2003

No plans tonight? Stop by the Culture Cache gallery for a reception for the group exhibition, Robots Have Feelings Too. April 5th - May 18th 2003.

:: Wednesday, April 02, 2003

I'm not sure how this almost slipped by unnoticed, but thanks to Charles for the heads up. This Friday, April 4th W.I.T, Avenue D, My Robot Friend, Larry Tee (and possibly Mount Sims) will be performing in San Francisco at the Great American Music Hall.

Click here for details.

Dutch electro master I-F's site cybernetic-broadcasting is back online and streaming electronic 56k love. You can tune in using Winamp, iTunes or Real here.

SF robots, mark Wednesday, April 9th on your calendars for Tokyo Electric at the Hush Hush lounge. A bargain beyond comparison at only $3. More information here.

Seattle residents recently celebrated the life, death and creative resurrection of obsolete media formats with the Obsolete Media Weekend.

The festival included numerous exhibitions from artists and musicians performing on such classics as an Atari 2600, a Commodore C64 and a reverse-engineered re-programmed dot-matrix printer. Other hilights included a projected laser vector game for up to four players and one robot. More info and pictures are on Hans Reutter's site.

:: Tuesday, April 01, 2003

As reported by Mike at Burnlab, Will (official paparazzi for Ghostly International) has posted his definitive collection of Miami Winter Music Conference photos.

:: Monday, March 31, 2003

April 7th is the date for Client's debut single, Price of Love to be released on Andrew Fletcher's new Toast Hawaii/Mute Records. Our faithful network of robot spies have cracked the mystery of who at least one of the enigmatic members of Client are (the band have chosen to keep their identity a mystery, and referred the female duo so far as only "Client A" or "Client B").

A little detective work reveals one of the Clients is none other than ex-Dubstar vocalist Sarah Blackwood. She and Fletch apparently met when Dubstar opened for Depeche Mode on tour. Any ideas as to the identity of the other Client?

Because we all need a little silly news these days: Federal investigators arrest a Wall Street wiz on insider-trading charges who claims to be a time-traveler from the year 2256.


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