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:: Saturday, September 28, 2002

Add Swayzak's new album, Dirty Dancing to your "must buy" list. Excellent tracks by Adult. and other electro faves.

:: Thursday, September 26, 2002

Some great pictures of the Memory Systems + Bunker World Tour live electronics, September 17, 2002: Luxx, Williamsburg Brooklyn, NY. Courtesy of Michael at Burnlab.

:: Tuesday, September 24, 2002

Need to work out some agressions? Maybe this is for you.

This weekend was an incredible new music orgy at the local CD shoppe. Notably, iR readers should run out and buy the following albums:

- Ladytron - Light & Magic
- Mount Sims - Ultra Sex
- Anthony Rother - Hacker
- Komputer - Market Led

I'll post a more comprenensive overview soon, for now check the links.

:: Monday, September 23, 2002

Wow. According to BBC News, people will soon be given access to knowledge from one of the world's foremost technology institutes, MIT, for free over the internet.

"There will be no online degrees for sale, however. Instead, it will offer thousands of pages of information, available to anyone around the globe at no cost, as well as hours and hours of streaming video lectures, seminars and experiments. Our hope and aspiration is that by setting an example, other universities will also put their valued materials on the internet."

The implications of this are so profound, I'm not sure what to think. One thing is for sure, I'm excited to give it a try.


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